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Here are five pieces of advice for anyone buying a new appliance. As an engineer with over 30 years in the trade I give serious consideration to how easy it will be to get repaired, and to the quality of aftersales service and spare parts costs. I also attach great importance to the quality of service and advice you get from the retailer whilst in the process of buying – and the attitude you are likely to encounter if something goes wrong.
Tip 1: Which Appliance Brand?
Research and list brands to consider and brands to avoid. Don’t just ask a sales person for an appliance with specific features because you may be presented with one that has them all but from a brand you shouldn’t be buying. Tell them you are looking at specific makes first.
Cost is undeniably a major consideration, and may prevent many from buying “the best”, but even with a low budget you can still choose from the appliance brands with the better reputation, and avoid those with poor reliability or poor repair-ability records. For ideas about which washing machine brands to look at read Which is the best washing machine to buy?
There is no single appliance brand which can be recommended above all others for everyone. None are perfect, all have their pros and cons. If money is no object though you can’t beat Miele. But if working to a more average budget of £300 – £500 there are brands to look at in the link above.
Buy washing machines retailers page (useful for all appliances and products)
Extra TIP: Consider taking advantage of the Which? £1 offer to properly research the best brands, the most reliable appliances – Best Buy and even Don’t Buy recommendations.
Tip 2: Don’t go on past experience or reputations
Bosh now compete with the cheapest brands, and have washing machines under £300. I’m not saying avoid them, in fact Bosch get good recommendations on some models from Which? Best Washing Machine Brands and are reported to be quite reliable. It’s just that they are now in a completely different class to that of a 15 – 20 year old Bosch washing machine, so if you want one of the same build quality you will need to try someone like Miele instead.
Tip 3: Don’t go on price alone
Tip 4: Consider how long the appliance is guaranteed for
How long is the guarantee?
Not all manufacturer guarantees are equal –
- Miele – 2, 5 or 10 year guarantees
- John Lewis Brand Appliances – 3 year guarantee – all other brands come with minimum of 2 year guarantee
- Bosh appliances – 2 year guarantee
- Other brands have varying guarantees – ask about the guarantee, don’t just assume it’s only 1 year
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